Eight of us met up at the Leisure Centre for the Sunday to Auchterhouse and Ardler.
Norman, Gus, Keith, Jimmy, Ron, Ian,Charlie and Dave.
Gus had his new Spa Cycles Titanium out.
The weather had been gale force overnight and it wasn't much better today. It was bright and sunny though as we set off up the Dundee loan through the roadworks that have blighted the toon for the last few weeks. We headed out of Forfar up by Lochlands and took the path down the dual carriageway then around by Inverarity where we started the long climb up by Carrot Farm then over the hill.

With the strong westerly breeze we got a blow up then had a good run down to Kellas with fine views over the Tay. Turning off towards Duntrune we started working a we bit harder into the breeze. There was shelter in the trees down to the ponds at Duntrune which looked like they had been drained. Now exposed to the elements it was into the blast up to Powrie where we past a barn full of happy Turkeys waiting for Christmas. Continuing up the Emmock road into the gale was purgatory and we were glad of some respite when we eventually turned north towards the Sidlaws. At Balkemback it was back into the wind for 5 miles along to Auchterhouse and up the Bonnyton road. Now sheltered from the blast and mainly down hill, the next stage to Davidston and down the Glack of Newtyle was more enjoyable. A few miles later and we arrived at Ardler for lunch..
The Tav was busy with a function but we managed to squeeze into a table at the end of the room. After an enjoyable lunch we left Ardler in the sunshine, and with the breeze now at our tail, we headed home by Meigle, Kirkinch, and Glamis.
The next Wednesday night Pub run 30/11/2011 is to Roundyhill.
Saturday 3rd December- Bothy for 11am.
The next Sunday run 4th December is to Fettercairn.