Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Brechin - 03/03/13

A beautiful sunny start to spring saw 9 of us including a new face (John from Kirrie who had suffered a fall on the way down loosing grip on a slimey corner) head out towards the Drovers where we had a brief stop to change coats etc

We were heading towards Edzell with NOrman taking an early turn for home the Ron and John taking a shorter route to Brechin.  We had a rather unfortunate forced stop at Charlie's expense when after a long down hill and a thight S bend he hit a slippy bit and ended up head over in the ditch.  Thankfully there was no serious damage done and after a bit of patching up we headed at a slower pace directly to Brechin.  Lee headed home without stopping and the rest of us tried the Cafe on the High Street which was full so we headed out the the Castle Garden Centre for lunch.

Gus and Keith headed straight home while Charlie Dave & I headed up towards Pitkennedy and down to the Montrose Rd before turning for home to avoid some rain that looked like it was heading in our direction.

A short day just under 40 miles but with the slips and falls it was for the best. - For the route Click Here