Monday, 17 August 2015

Bothy Pictures - 26th July 2015

With the Bothy flooded out in the Great Alyth Flood of 2015 works have been taking place to dry it out, repair the floor, paint it and raise it up onto higher blocks:

St Cyrus 15/08/15

Apologies first, I have been out of action for a couple of months and suffering computer problems as well but back from time to time now.

The sun was shining for once down at the leisure centre for the third in our Angus Cycle Festival of runs, each week we are running a short run at 10:00am and a long run at 9:00am from the Lochside Leisure Centre
Five of us left for St Cyrus heading up to Hornycross where Brian turned back to lead the shot run, from Hornycross we turned right and wound our way to Little Brechin, then through the Golf Course past Bill Stephen Motors.  From the Golf Course we headed for Marykirk via Gallery.  In Marykirk we turned right up to the school and up the long drag of Kirktonhill regrouping at the junction of the B9120 where Tom headed to Stonehaven and a long loop back to home in Alyth.  Charlie David & I headed down through St Cyrus the round the cycle route to the Leisure Centre in Montrose where we had lunch.
After lunch we headed for Inverkeilor crossed the main road and headed to Leysmill, Idvies House Lour and along the high road into Forfar giving us a good circular route of 71 miles - The route is here if you would like to try it.