Thursday, 21 May 2015

Prosen & Clova - 17/05/15

For the third week in a row, the rain was on at 9:00am but it was only a shower and it certainly looked a bit brighter up the glens as six of us headed towards Kirrie via the Bogside Rd.  Ron was going on holiday later that day so stopped in Kirrie leaving 5 of us to head for the hills.

This route has four climbs in the first 16 miles gradually getting steeper

which make the rest seem easy, worth having a granny gear or compact with large back ring, sounds painful but the views are well worth it

We had a couple of showers and it was a bit chilly at times but overall a pleasant morning, we stopped at the Glen Clova Hotel for lunch, perfect timing for soup and a pint, and with the wind at our backs we headed down the glen with Norman and I taking an extra loop to stop at the Drovers for some extra rehydration. 

A good day with over 50 miles and plenty of climbing