Monday, 20 April 2015

Balbeggie Sunday 19th April

The morning had started sunny but the clouds rolled in as we gathered at the Leisure Centre welcoming  a visitor from Laurencekirk - Ian Anderson who was joining us for the first time.

The run was to take in Keith's scenic route but as he was away hill walking Gus and Charlie were taking the run as David was away doing a 300K Audax.

We headed out to Newtyle turning off the main rd just past Glamis and with the wind behind us made good time.   My knee still swollen I was only out for the morning, Ron was heading to the bike jumble at the Starthmore Vintage Vehicle Club and Norman had to be back early as well so the three of us turned right for Ardler leaving the group to head up the steep hill and on for the day.

The run back was into the wind and it was pretty chilly in places.  We were going at a good pace but Norman was running late so the pair of us took off for home leaving Ron to head to the Bike sale.

Sunday 26th April is Kirkmichael