Thursday, 25 September 2014

Ardler The Long Way 14/09/14

This run was planned as lunch after the mountain biking festival but due to the volume of forms to be filled in, we had to pull out so the run was extended, four of us set off on a breezy day towards Newtyle.

The initial plan was the Audax route Scone the flat way but as we progressed we had a change of plan and turned for Wolfhill as we approached the MacDonald Arms with Keith wanting a shorter run and David a little tired.

We were heading towards Ardler a little earlier so we all went back towards Newtyle and then turned back with Keith  going straight to Forfar.

Three of us were enjoying lunch in the Tav when we were joined by Norman who had been out watching the mountain bike racing.

We got a bit of a blow back to Forfar and although a little earlier we had worked pretty hard in the wind and on the hills with a moving average of over 14mph.

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